World of warships how to play british cruisers
World of warships how to play british cruisers

world of warships how to play british cruisers

The only big black point is the fact that the firing angles are terrible but it isn’t the end of the world.Īlso, these triple 234 mm gun turrets are somehow able to make a 180° turn in 18 seconds.Warning. Great firepower, good armor, good concealment and on top of that the British improved repair party. The Drake looks like a very strong cruiser for this tier. When it comes to the barbette, it is 177 mm thick. The sides are 127 mm thick, the back is 178 mm thick and finally, the roof is 120 mm thick. The face is 229 mm thick but has no slope whatsoever so AP shells will have no issue to penetrate it. The turrets are both well armored and terribly designed. The superstructure is 16 mm thick and is fairly big for a cruiser. The first part is 177 mm thick and the lower part is 19 mm thick but deep below the waterline. The upper casemate is 21 mm thick and for the citadel’s athwartship, it’s the same as at the front. The protection of the steering gears is completed by a 64 mm armored deck. The stern has the classic 25 mm armor except around the steering gears where there is an external 114 mm armor. As you can imagine, it brings no real protection against AP bombs. While the vertical protection is quite amazing for a cruiser, the horizontal protection is disappointing with a simple 64 mm citadel deck. If you ever have to shoot at this ship’s broadside, don’t aim for these parts. It is among the thickest main belt in the game for cruisers and yet, it’s not alone.īehind the main belt, there is the citadel’s side armor which is 37 mm thick and as you can see it is quite narrow, especially below the turrets. While the upper belt is the classic 25 mm armor, the deck is 30 mm thick and the main belt is 177 mm thick. As you can see, for a cruiser, it is very strong protection. For the citadel’s athwartship and the casemates around it, the first part is 177 mm thick and the part deep below the waterline is 19 mm thick. When it comes to the frontal protection of the middle section, the upper casemate is 21 mm thick. The bow remains the classic tier IX cruiser bow with a 25 mm plating on it. Say goodbye to exposed citadels, here comes the spaced armor! The bow section The Drake is taking a big step up compared to the previous ships in terms of armor protection.

World of warships how to play british cruisers